Monday, September 28, 2009


September 21, 2009 Conclusion
I can’t believe that the summer is over already as it seems to have gone by so fast. Now I am faced with the reality that my internship has to end along with the season. I wish there was a way that I could describe how much of an impact this experience has had on my life but there aren’t enough words in the English dictionary. My hope is that from the blog entries, newspaper clippings, and supplemental, that anyone reading this journal will be able to understand how amazing this internship has been for me. I learned more about the field of forensics as well as about myself than I ever believed possible. This journal could not be written solely about the work I did in the forensic field, because this it is not a typical 9 to 5 job, but more of a lifestyle. I loved being surrounded by people who were knowledgeable in the fields of law enforcement, medicine, human behavior, and who possessed a passion to help others in need. It is a holistic field, similar to anthropology, and it teaches one that there is always more to learn.

This summer was an amazing experience for me and has made an impact on my life; much more than words can describe. I started out worried that I would not do well around a corpse and ended the summer wondering how I could make what I did with my internship into a career. I loved the work that I did with the Fremont County Coroner office and, as many phrase it, I am hooked forever. Now I am faced with the reality of turning what I did during my internship into a lifelong career. I was offered a part- time deputy coroner position with Ed, but I feel that I need to get more training before taking that step. One area that I feel I would personally benefit from is improving my knowledge and experience in medical arena. So, I have applied, and was accepted, at Western Wyoming Community College where I am now taking classes that will increase my knowledge of the human body and help make me a better candidate for medical school or a physician’s assistant program in the fall. In addition, I am trying to find an EMT course so that I can get some very practical experience in medical situations, while still satisfying my desire to help people when they are in a time of need.

There were many people that played a role in enriching my experience in Riverton and I can’t even begin to make a list of each. My blog names a vast majority but there are some that I don’t want to leave out. My family and friends were very supportive no matter what activity I was doing. The sweat hogs, who gave me strength and guidance through the sweat lodges and different every day encounters. Last, and so very far from least, Ed and Roni, who took me into their home and adopted me into their hearts. Both of you I love dearly and think of as a second set of parents. Thank you for all you have done for me. It has changed my life.